Wednesday, September 29, 2021

How Its Made - Asphalt Paving

They're a common sight on many roads and the bane of motorists' lives, but potholes could soon be a thing of the past thanks to nano-technology.

Researchers in Switzerland have patented a method that repairs stress-induced cracks in asphalt to prevent potholes forming in the first place and could double the life span of roads embedded with the technology.

A precise amount of iron oxide nanoparticles are mixed with bitumen - the sticky, viscous black binder obtained from crude oil and used to keep road material together.

Ever-so slightly heating up this asphalt using a small magnetic field melts the bitumen, allowing it to seep into the minute cracks to 'self-heal'.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Vaca Vet Striping Specializes In Striping For Small Or Large Jobs

Vaca Vet Striping offers a full range of parking lot and road services, we strive to improve quality through innovation, technology, and our vast experience. Our fleet of service trucks and professional parking lot stripers allows us to perform jobs in a timely manner.

About Our Process
Vaca Vet Striping has the latest equipment and products to ensure the highest quality in painting clean, sharp lines and well defined edges.

Our Striping Services Included
  • Parking stall lines
  • Directional arrows
  • Handicap stalls
  • Paths of travel
  • No parking
  • Fire zones
  • Entrance / Exit signage

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Information About Commercial Asphalt Driveways

There are several reasons why many commercial property owners are paving their driveways with asphalt rather than concrete. Asphalt pavement comes with many benefits and advantages; especially when it comes to maintenance and repair. Asphalt is much more economical than concrete for this reason and more. On top of its flexibility and easy maintenance aspects, it typically costs less than concrete materials at most hardware and construction stores.

Although concrete paving can last up to 15 or 20 years without needing repairs, asphalt is still a trendier choice for most residential and commercial properties for a number of reasons. Continue reading to catch up on some important information about asphalt paving and why it is more popular than concrete these days.

Asphalt Pavement for Driveways

As mentioned before, concrete can last up to fifteen or twenty years without needing repairs; while asphalt paving may eventually require some upkeep after about five to seven years. There are several reasons why asphalt pavement can weaken or deteriorate. For example, elemental conditions, over-exposure, negligence, cars, and the surrounding natural environment call all have an effect on asphalt pavements. The following influences are common contributors to asphalt damage, potholes, and wear and tear:

  • Heavy Trucks, Cars, and Loads
  • Substantial Water Saturation
  • Constant Exposure to Moisture
  • Harsh Storms
  • Overgrown Tree Roots
  • Poor Foundation
  • Tectonic Plates
  • And More

It is recommended to place sprinklers and watering hoses far from newly paved asphalt driveways. Also, large or old trees should be removed to protect new asphalt from tree root damage. Even if the tree seems like it will not be a threat, it is safer to remove it before experiencing asphalt damage from underground root systems. As soon as you see a pothole or crack appear, it is suggested to take immediate action to prevent further wear and tear. The sooner an asphalt issue is acknowledged and fixed, the less expensive the repair will cost. You can purchase asphalt fillers and pothole repair kits at local hardware and home good stores; however, it is highly recommended to seek out professional assistance from a licensed and experienced asphalt paving engineer. They can give you the best advice on asphalt maintenance and repair. If you do decide to repair asphalt driveway damages on your own, you can still ask a retail clerk at the store for extra instructions or advice. They too should know plenty of information about the product they are selling.

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Monday, September 20, 2021

The 5 Cost-Saving Benefits of Sealcoating your Parking Lot

It takes 7 seconds for people to form a first impression of your business. That doesn’t give you a lot of time to be impressive.

Talk to any real estate agent and they will tell you about the importance of curb appeal when selling a property. The same is true for your business. you might not be looking for someone to buy your business, but you do want to attract customers to buy your products.

As soon as your customers drive up to your location, they’re already forming their first impressions. Sealcoating your paved parking lot is an excellent way to keep up your curb appeal and make a positive impression.

Let’s look at several benefits of sealcoating your parking lot.

1. Water-Resistant
Asphalt is a durable and long-lasting substance. That’s why it is popular for roads, parking lots, driveways, and more.

However, water is a big enemy.

Asphalt is a porous material. This means that moisture can get down inside the asphalt. When it does, this speeds up degradation and deterioration of the pavement.

In the winter months, this is further exacerbated by freezing temperatures. If you remember back to high school science class, water expands as it freezes.

So when the temperature drops, any moisture that is trapped in the asphalt can freeze and expand, causing cracks and damage to the asphalt.

Sealcoating the asphalt will diminish this effect significantly. The sealant protects the asphalt by creating a barrier that water can’t penetrate.

Snow and ice sitting on top of the asphalt can also cause problems. Not only can it be dangerous by causing cars to slide out of control, but also having water sitting on top of it constantly exacerbates the water exposure problem.

Sealcoating helps make snow and ice melt faster — protecting both your pavement and your customers and their vehicles.

2. Oxidation-Resistant
Water isn’t the only danger that asphalt faces. The sun is another element that your asphalt parking lot will face daily that can cause damage.

Asphalt contains a mix of oils that keep it supple and helps it maintain its flexibility. Constant sun exposure can dry out these oils, in essence, “baking” the asphalt. 
At first, as the asphalt dries out it may simply be more prone to cracking. Eventually, the material will become so brittle and weak that it can begin to crumble away.

Obviously, that type of disrepair isn’t the kind of impression you want to make on your customers!

Sealcoating helps slow the evaporation of the oils and keeps the asphalt “hydrated” for a longer period of time.

3. Chemical-Resistant
Asphalt is also exposed to a number of different chemicals. Cars can leak a variety of fluids including oil, gas, antifreeze, brake fluid, and more.

Just like water, these liquids can seep down into the porous asphalt. Depending on the substance they can cause even more damage than plain old water.

When you sealcoat asphalt, the same barrier that inhibits water from getting down into the pavement keeps these other liquids and chemicals out and minimizes the damage they can cause.

4. Replace Asphalt Less Frequently
What do the first three benefits we’ve talked about mean for your parking lot? Simple. You won’t have to repave it as frequently.

Though asphalt is durable and long-lasting, if you want to keep your parking lot in tip-top shape, you’ll need to replace it periodically. Remember, curb appeal is important for your business and a shoddy parking lot doesn’t make a good impression.

But replacing asphalt is an expensive and tedious process.

The weather/temperature has to be just right otherwise the asphalt won’t harden as it should when it cools. Rain can also complicate the installation as water exposure will cause significant problems with the asphalt before it solidifies.

It’s also an inconvenience. Your customers may not be able to use the parking lot while it is being repaved. Depending on your location, that could mean that you’ll have to close your business completely during the installation.

This means not only an expensive maintenance bill but also you’ll miss out on sales — hitting your wallet even harder.

Sealcoating your parking lot is a far less involved project. It won’t take as long and it isn’t as expensive. And it will drastically lengthen the lifespan of your asphalt, cutting down on how often it needs to be replaced.

In short, sealcoating is certainly preferable to the inconvenience of replacing asphalt.

5. Aesthetic Appeal
Aside from repairing cracked or crumbling asphalt, replacing your asphalt has one big benefit. It looks so nice afterward!
Fresh asphalt has that dark, smooth finish that looks so sharp and screams well-maintained. Unfortunately, it begins to fade to an ugly gray over time and with exposure to the elements.

Did you know that sealcoating creates that same dark look? It also helps maintain that look for a longer period of time due to the benefits we’ve already mentioned.

A fresh application of sealcoat will cover small cracks and other imperfections. It also goes on black — just like asphalt. So you get the fresh dark look, without the hassle of installing new asphalt. Simply paint the lines back on your parking lot and it will look brand new!

Find Your Sealcoating Professionals
Ready to breathe new life into your parking lot without going to the expense and hassle of replacing the asphalt? Then it’s time to look into sealcoating.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Benefits Of Crack Sealing An Asphalt Parking Lot

Why crack seal an asphalt parking lot:

Cracks in pavements allow moisture to penetrate the surface which causes potholes, cracks and eventually total asphalt failure. Failure to seal cracks results in further cracking and will lead to expensive asphalt replacement.

To prevent water from infiltrating to the base it is recommended that a hot rubberized crack sealant be professionally applied with professional crack sealing equipment. Cold applied crack sealing materials available at Hardware Stores / Home Improvement Chains are designed to be applied to residential driveways and are not capable of giving you the performance or longevity which is standard from hot poured crack sealants.

Hot rubberized crack sealing in asphalt parking lots, roads, shopping centers, HOA Associations and other asphalt surfaces is one of the most cost-effective preventative maintenance processes available. Any effective Pavement Management Plan includes annual hot rubberized crack sealing. Who uses crack sealing?

* Property & Facility Managers

* Homeowner (HOA) Communities

* Shopping Centers

* Apartments & Condominiums

* Office Complexes

* industrial Parks

* Any owners/managers of asphalt parking lots

It is important to begin a crack sealing program at the first sign of crack developing which can be anywhere from 2-5 years after initial asphalt installation.

Article Source:

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021

8 Benefits of Restriping Your Parking Lot

Parking lot lines are an essential part of a structured, organized parking lot. Over time these lines fade, which is why you have to restripe them every so often. Fading is caused by the amount of traffic your parking lot gets, environmental conditions such as sun exposure and weather, and the quality of the paint. For this reason, paving experts suggest that you should restripe your lines every 18 – 24 months.

Are your parking lot lines fading? Are you tempted to hold off on restriping until next year? These 8 benefits of restriping your parking lot may change your mind.

8 Benefits of Restriping Your Parking Lot

1. Appearance
One of the benefits of restriping is purely aesthetic – a restriped parking lot with vibrantly colored lines will improve the curb appeal of your business. It’s an easy way to give your business a facelift that everyone passing by will notice.

2. Organization
A well-striped parking lot is a well-organized parking lot. Residents or customers know where the driving lanes are and where the authorized parking spots are. Parking lot stripes provide guidance just like the stripes on the road.

3. Customer Satisfaction
Your parking lot is part of the service that you offer to customers, just like the features inside your building. By restriping your parking lot you are telling customers that their experience at your establishment matters and you want to provide them with the best customer service.

4. ADA Compliance
The Americans with Disabilities Act has certain guidelines for parking lot stripes. Depending on the number of parking spaces your lot accommodates, it must include a certain number of accessible parking spaces for cars and wider spaces for vans. Restriping can help you clearly designate these spots so you are complying with the law and providing the proper accommodations for your handicapped residents or customers.

5. Maximize Parking Space
Are you getting the most out of your parking lot space? If you’re not currently satisfied with your parking lot, a restriping company can help evaluate the space and suggest changes.

6. An Economical Update
All businesses owners look for ways to make their business more attractive to customers. Restriping is an inexpensive way to get an instant improvement.

7. Reducing Liability
Faded lines can be hard for some customers to see, which could result in accidents where you are at fault. These lines communicate crucial information such as where pedestrians can walk, who has the right of way, what areas to avoid, and where vehicles must stop. Faded lines can cause confusion and accidents. Visible, well-defined lines will lower your risk of these liabilities.

8. Compliance with Fire Codes
Fire codes require a designated fire lane in case of emergency, and this lane should be marked with the appropriate signs, curb markings, or pavement markings. Restriping can also ensure your compliance with fire codes.

As you can see, there are many benefits of restriping your parking lot, from aesthetics and customer service to reducing liabilities and complying with laws. If your parking lot lines are fading, it’s time to add restriping to your parking lot maintenance plan.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Crack Sealing and Pavement Repair

Pavement cracks need to be filled and/or sealed to prevent water from entering sub-grade layers. Special rubberized materials are applied to the cracks, which seals the pavement and helps to prolong its life.

Application of pavement crack treatments consist of three basic steps:

  • Cleaning the cracks
  • Cutting the reservoir if needed
  • Installing the material

Sealing treatments are used for pavements that primarly have working cracks greater than 1/8 inch. Sealing treatments consist of creating a widened reservoir to provide proper geometry and placement of flexible material that can accommodate the expected movements.

- Sealcoating, crack sealing, striping and pavement repair. We do it all.

- Filling Asphalt Cracks in your asphalt driveway or parking lot surface will be a very important part of extending the life of your asphalt surface.

- The forces of nature do their best to break down the surface, creating cracks and potholes, which decreases the life of your driveway or parking lot. We specialize in maintenance and repair to help you extend the life of your asphalt.

Call Vaca Vet Striping at 707-592-8331 for an estimate

Sunday, September 5, 2021

When Should I Restripe My Parking Lot?

Typically it's a good idea to restripe your parking lot every 18 to 24 months, depending on your location and climate. Restriping your parking lot enhances curb appeal and the safety of your customers.

If you own a parking lot, it is important to make sure that the lot is always in the best shape possible, naturally. You want it asphalt to be intact and sealed, and you want the stripes and spaces in the lot to be clear and bright. It offers a range of benefits for your parking lot and business. There are many times that you should consider restriping the parking lot.

Typically, it is going to be a good idea to restripe about every 18 to 24 months, at least. However, it will also depend on the location of your business, and a host of other factors.

For example, if you live in a climate where it snows, you probably rely on snowplows to come along and remove the snow from your parking lot. While this is beneficial to ensure that your parking lot is up and usable for the customers, it also means that there is the potential for those plows to scrape away some of the lines in the parking lot. In those cases, it is generally going to be a good idea to restripe annually. After the last snow of the year has gone, set up an appointment to have your parking lot restriped or paint new parking lot lines yourself.

After Sealcoating

If you have had asphalt repairs and sealcoating on your parking lot, then you are certainly going to need to have restriping completed before you can open up the parking lot to your customers. The sealcoating is going to cover up the lines, so once it has dried, you will need to make sure that you have someone come out to add the stripes to the parking lot.

Keep Up With the ADA Code

In addition, you will want to be sure that you keep up with the requirements from the American Disability Act. This will indicate what you are going to need in terms of disabled parking spaces, and you need to be sure your parking lot is fully compliant. In some cases, this might mean having a striping company come out to your parking lot as soon as possible to make the updates to help bring the parking lot up to code.

What Are the Benefits of Regular Restriping?

For starters, you want to think about the curb appeal of the property. Having nice clean and easy to see lines in the parking lot is going to make it look better. We’ve all seen old parking lots that don’t have lines or whose lines have faded over the years. They look neglected. If the owner doesn’t care enough to take care of the parking lot striping, it typically means they do not care much about the buildings and stores that are in the parking lot, or the rest of the upkeep they should be taking care of.

If you are planning to resell the property, not painting the strips and improving that curb appeal is going to hurt the resale value. It might seem like a small thing, but it is very important. It will help to show that the business is well cared for, and that can help to make getting a sale easier.

In addition, there is a safety factor that you have to think about when it comes to the parking lot. If the parking lot has not properly been striped, it means that people are not going to know where to park properly, and this can cause confusion and an element of danger in the parking lot. You need to have clear parking spots and directional lines in your parking lot for the safety of the vehicles and drivers, as well as pedestrians that are walking through the parking lot.

And if you've ever been in a parking lot in a snowstorm, you know that not being able to see the parking lot lines means people put a lot of space between their cars and you get fewer of them in a lot. If you have a busy business, using every parking space affects your bottom line: make it clear to your customers where they can park.

High traffic parking areas often add reflective glass beads in the stripes, which are going to be easier to see in the evening when headlights hit them. These can add an extra layer of safety, and they can be a nice solution for many types of parking lots, including airports and hospitals.

Get In Touch With Professionals Or Do It Yourself

Now that you know why and when you should be restriping your parking lot, it is time to get in touch with a company that can take care of the restriping for you. Always make sure that you are dealing with professionals who have the right equipment and who understand ADA compliancy. Many times, the same company that you hire to take care of the asphalt repair and the sealcoating will be able to offer the restriping services you need. It could be a good idea to have one company that can take care of everything needed for your parking lot.

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Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Benefits of Proper Parking Lot Maintenance

If you own a business, you can't afford to ignore proper parking lot maintenance. Sure, it might not be the first thing you think of. But it makes sense when you think about it. 

After all, your parking lot is the first physical aspect of your business that customers come into contact with. Shouldn't it paint a flattering picture? 

Likewise, if you don't keep up with regular maintenance, you're actually putting your customers in danger. Potholes, for instance, can ruin vehicles or cause customers to trip and get hurt. 

There's also the matter of safety to consider. But these are just the tips of the iceberg. To learn more about the benefits of parking lot maintenance, make sure to watch this video.